• High school kids. Usually 15-20 Falmouth kids that play soccer. Some don’t play organized soccer at all.

  • Many families don’t have the financial means to pay for expensive soccer clubs. Sometimes kids are expected to work many hours after school in order to contribute to the family budget. We wanted kids to have a place to play.

  • Some do, but many don’t. The school soccer season is short- when it’s over, there aren’t any other options for some kids.

    Some of the kids can’t play school sports because they are often working after school.

  • this is an on-going process. We are a new club, so this is currently in development.

    One of the organizations served to date is the Falmouth Road Race

  • Usually once per week in the Fall, sometimes 2.

    We also try to get outside when the weather is nice, and we play on basketball courts.

    Long-term, we would like to develop a community futsal court in the town of Falmouth.

  • Its completely free for participants, Please donate to help us continue our work.

  • The club can only spend the money received from donations. We started with purchasing a few goals, futsal balls, basic equipment to start the club.

    We hired a professional to help develop the website

    insurance, organizational fees, and web/app platform fees can also add up

    We also provide shoes, headgear, gloves to kids in need- many of the kids do not have extra cash to spend on futsal shoes

    Tournament fees are very high, and we would like to start playing in future events